Hawaii Kidz Sing-A-Long
Hawaii Kids Sing-a-long songs encourages children to sing and say Hawaiian words, and learn fun-filled expressions of Hawaii's culture. Children of all ages will love this musical experience … even Mommy & Daddy can learn a lullaby for baby. This is great musical fun and learning at home or in the classroom.
This CD features 4 local kids, a beautiful representation of Hawaii's multi-colored rainbow.
Your child will enjoy and be able to sing songs like the playful “Shaka” a sign that everyone learns to do when they visit Hawaii. Your child will also learn what all children should know about Hawaii like; “Aloha” (special greeting), “Ohana” (family), and “Mahalo” (thank you).
Children will also learn the names of hula steps as in the song “Kaholo Hula” which was featured in Disney's “Lilo & Stitch Hawaiian Adventure”interactive video game. The “Hula Implement Song” describes the sound of the different implements (percussive instruments) that are used in Hula to emphasize special rhythms. All children will be familiar with the Hawaiian vowels and be able to count from 1-5 in Hawaiian. By the end of the CD your child would have a vocabulary of 23 Hawaiian words.
CD: $9.99
CD Includes:
Strum Along Sing along Ukulele Song
First Hawaiian 5 (Vowels & Numbers)
Kaholo Hula
Hula Implements Song
Shaka (Hang Loose Song)
Mahalo My Hawaii
Ohana One Family
Spread Aloha
Moe Moe
Dance Hula Girl