Get Zoned on this incredible adventure - Your Hawaii Shark Adventure Tour!

Your Hawaii Shark Adventure Tour is truly an experience of a lifetime. The North shore has always had a large resident group of Galapagos and sandbar sharks. We visit a site where the sharks naturally occur and observe them as they go about their business. Guests are presented with facts about shark biology and behavior, as well as information about other ocean creatures such as Whales, dolphins and turtles. We discuss the demise of sharks due to shark fining and over fishing and hand out information with more information on how to get involved in non-profit organizations and tips on what each individual can do to help.
The Hawaii Shark Adventure
The shark cage is where the biggest Hawaii shark adventure thrills happen. The arrival of the first shark signals the time for the first "shark adventure victims" to get in the cage. The water here is over 600 feet deep, and as clear and blue as the open ocean, so just getting in is heart pounding. Once you're in the cage, the big Poly Glass windows are nearly transparent, so when that 10-foot-long Galapagos shark sweeps his nose against the glass, it looks like he's coming right in with you. Don't worry, he can't get in. In fact, you can press your nose against the glass too and you'll be just a quarter inch away from the business end of one big shark!
The cage is open at the top so you can get in and out easily. It's roomy inside, so you can move around freely.
About North Shore Oahu Shark Tours
North Shore Oahu Shark Tour Experience
Do you want to bring home vivid memories from your vacation? One where your friends say, "Wow! That is wild!"
North Shore Oahu Shark Tour Professionals
We depart Haleiwa Harbor on Oahu's North Shore few times a day. After 15 minutes, the 3 mile boat ride brings us to Hawaii Shark Encounters' shark grounds. For the next 1.5 hours we'll show you the chills and thrills of live sharks off the Oahu North Shore.
We're professionals; we don't believe in endangering our customers or the sharks. Our North Shore Oahu Shark Tour gives you a unique experience of real live sharks out where they are free to act naturally.
We are proud of our partnership in the global effort to improve understanding of sharks.
Your North Shore Oahu Hawaii Shark Tour
Your North Shore Oahu Shark Tour will begin as soon as we arrive at the site. You will see the sharks in their natural environment. Once you enter the open blue water and see the peaceful and graceful way the sharks swim through the open ocean, you can't help but feel a sense of awe. Every person that steps off our boat leaves with a new appreciation for the ocean and a deep respect of sharks. Having a personal encounter is the most powerful lesson that will stay with you forever.
The Encounter
When you enter the shark cage on your Oahu Shark Tour, you're in for the thrill of your life. When we see the first sharks, our first guests go into the cage. You'll notice several things at once:
The view is terrific!
The deep clear water and the transparent quarter inch thick Poly Glass let you see everything for hundreds of feet around
The sharks are big and will come right up to you if you hold your face to the glass
The shark cage has lots of elbow room to let you move around and get the best view
The Oahu Sharks
Sandbar sharks visit the Oahu Hawaii Shark Tour almost as often as the Galapagos sharks. These sharks are full of curiosity, show no fear of the boat, and brush up close to the cage. You can see nearly 30 on some trips!
This genuine Oahu Hawaii Shark Tour diving fest requires no prior diving experience. If you're diver with lots of underwater hours, you'll have just as much fun. Whether you've never been in the ocean or you're a professional diver, our Oahu Hawaii Shark Tour is for you!
When you're planning your Oahu Hawaii Shark Tour, keep in mind that we occasionally have to reschedule tours because of the weather. If you're flexible, we can get you in another day and promise you a terrific adventure.
After the shark tour, check out the town and beautiful public beaches nearby. The harbor is easy walking distance from lots of great shops and site-seeing in Haleiwa town.
Is This Adventure For You?
Absolutely! But.... There are a few things you should know. Please read this and the only surprise will be how
this shark encounter tour is so much more than you ever imagined!
When we say this adventure is for everyone, we mean it. Our guests have included non swimmers who had
never been in the ocean to National Geographic photographers. (Both were very impressed!) The youngest
person in the shark cage was a three year old girl and the oldest over 80. We have taken paraplegics and a
woman who had lost her foot to a great white.
Must be easy, right? Yes it is, but not always. Our shark grounds are three miles off the famous North Shore.
This is the open ocean and it can be very rough. Even on a calm day the boat still rocks! If you are prone to
motion sickness, this will bring it on. It is calmer the earlier you go. As the wind increases throughout the day
it can get bumpier with the wind swells.
Sometimes the weather is so rough that it becomes dangerous and we must cancel the tour. This can happen
fairly often in the winter and spring. When you book, we will ask for a phone number or hotel room. If the
weather looks too rough, we will call you the day before. If you are coming on vacation, it may be wise to
schedule your shark trip during the beginning so we can try again if the weather is too rough. You can also call
us at anytime to check on conditions.
The weather is not always rough, especially in the mornings. We encourage people to come on the early trip.
We know it is hard to get up early on vacation but what are you going to remember for the rest of your life? A
few moments with your pillow or being surrounded by 30 sharks?
We do not want to scare you out of coming. Some people just seem to be surprised that small boats on a big
ocean don't sit still! Calm or rough, rain or shine, everyone that comes with us has a great time, even the ones
who get seasick. Thanks for reading this.
Sea Sickness
Note: this is not professional medical advice. Please consult your physician for any questions on how to best
treat your illness.
When setting out on the open seas, it is important to be prepared in the event that you become sea sick. The
rocking of a boat as it glides across the ocean waves is enough to mess with the average person's equilibrium.
If the conditions are right, even the most experienced seamen can get sick. Those who have experienced it
know that sea sickness can quickly turn your pleasant trip into a miserable experience. Here is some helpful
information on how to prevent and deal with sea sickness.
What is Sea Sickness?
Sea sickness occurs when what you see, conflicts with what your inner ear is sensing. So, while on the sea, the
boat around you looks like it's standing still, but your inner ear (vestibular) senses the movement of the boat on
the water. As your body's complex balance system reports to the brain, it becomes clear that something is not
right. This conflict leads to headache, dizziness, and nausea.
Tips to Prevent Sea Sickness:
Take medication. There are several effective over-the-counter medications. Bonine, Dramamine, and Meclizine
are some of the most popular brands. The scopolamine patch by Transderm Scop is reported to be very
effective, and is easily obtained with a doctor's prescription. (To be effective you should get this medication in
your system 8 hours before you board the boat. If possible, sleep on it and take more at least 1 hour before you
board the boat. That way, it's in your system and working when you wake up.)
- Ginger capsules are also considered effective in preventing motion sickness.
- Some people find that wearing special wristbands helps stave off the condition.
- Avoid eating greasy or acidic foods before going out on the water.
- Avoid drinking excessive amounts of alcohol the night before and the day of your boating experience.
- Drink plenty of water. Even partial dehydration lowers your body’s resistance and leaves you susceptible to
motion sickness.
Tips on Dealing with Sea Sickness:
The first step in dealing with any ailment is understanding what is wrong so that you can mentally deal with the
problem. This is very important in dealing with sea sickness.
If seasickness occurs, it is best to minimize your motion. To do so, go to the center of the boat, and get to the
lowest level possible. The higher on the boat you are, the more you will feel the rocking motion.
If possible, stay standing and look at the horizon to get your bearings. Take some deep breaths. Rock your
shoulders back and forth. Realize that your body is probably tight and stiff. Don't fight the motion of the
boat, try to relax and move with it. Soda crackers may help calm your stomach. Drinking Coke or Pepsi may
also help calm your stomach. They contain phosphoric acid, which is an ingredient in Emetrol, a drug to
control vomiting.
* shall not be liable to any individual utilizing these tour/activity programs for delays, injury, loss, accident or damage to persons or property beyond its control. Natural phenomena are random and out of the control of the tour provider. Prices, features and/or menu are subject to change without notice.
Save Time & Book This Activity Now! North Shore Oahu Shark Adventure Tour
Rates |
Adult - Cage Dive |
$135.00 |
Adult - Boat Tour |
$75.00 |
Child (3-13) - Cage Dive |
$75.00 |
Child - Boat Tour |
$60.00 |
Roundtrip Transportation from Waikiki - per person |
$55.00 |
Secure Reservation
Click on calendar to choose date: | |
GE Tax (4.712%) will be added to the price above.
**Prices & Inclusions subject to change without notice.
***A travel representative will send you a confirmation email along with tour/activity vouchers within 24 hours of booking. If there are any problems with your dates, we will contact you. There are no refunds for cancellations made within 48 hours of tour/activity, unless another cancellation policy is specified. No Shows are charged in full. If you have any questions, please click here to contact us. Mahalo!